Wednesday, September 22, 2010

7 days in September

This movie caught my attention and made me think about all the innocent people who lost their lives on 9/11/01. Everyone in New York was devastated and were caught completely off guard when the two planes hit the twin towers, killing thousands of people. As we watched the film, I noticed all that was left after the twin towers melted, were papers and documents swarming the city of New York. I think it is so depressing that many bodies in 9/11 were never found, and all that was left behind were belongings of people.
The first amendment includes freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of petition, and freedom of religion. The terrorists of 9/11, the Al Qaeda, performed their violent act so that people all over the world would sympathize with their cause. The terrorists belive that they are fighting for a just cause, namely for religion, the Islam religion. They do not belive in freedom of religion. The terrorists feel that all Middle-Eastern countries should unite, and practice the Islam religion. Al Qaeda desires to overthrow any government in a Muslim country that does not rule by Islamic principles. This concept is against the principles of our first amendment.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Speech Codes assignment

I believe that my universities policies on free speech restirct the way I view school. I belive that speech codes impact my ability to express myself and my views on different issues. As a student, I feel that I should be able to express my views on topics suchas politics, law, philosophy, and science. However, I disagree with the manner in which these students in the fraternities at Auburn University presented themselves in costumes and make-up that was offensive to other races. I feel that these fraternity students were being unfair and poking fun at people that were racially different from themselves.