Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Clifford Boggess: For/Against Death Penalty

        Clifford Boggess, a victim of killing two shopkeepers, deserves to be sentenced to the death penalty. In my opinion, I believe that Clifford has committed such a horrid act by killing these two innocent people, that he should be punished by recieving the death penalty. If Clifford were not to be put on death row, people in in the society would feel like they are put into danger and something like this may happen again. I think that prison is not be enough of a punishment for Clifford, since he seems to be enjoying it by creating art and having people sell his art for him.
         In the case of Clifford Boggess, there were a few aggravating factors which may have led Boggess to killing two innocent people. Clifford really idolized his uncle as he was growing up. However, his uncle had shot someone years before and recieved jail time. I think that since Clifford really looked up to his uncle and thought of him as a role model, he committed a crime just like him. I think it is so shocking to hear that the uncle of Clifford stated that Clifford "had a problem", when in reality, he had a problem and failed to teach his nephew values and morals. Clifford Boggess stated in the film that he felt much remorse after killing the two shopkeepers. This mitigating factor in my opinion, was a way for Boggess to try to escape from this big problem he put upon himself and not recieve the death penalty. Boggess seems to be passionate about his art and loves what he's doing. I think that letting Boggess live his life in happiness after committing a murder is letting him off to easy.
        In my opinion, I do not believe people can change especially after committing such an outrageous crime. Killing one person is wrong enough, and killing two is even worse. It is quite clear that Clifford Boggess must have been pathological to even think of murdering two innocent shopkeepers. Once a person commits one crime, it is a high percent chance that they will do it again. In my opinion, Clifford had not changed after murdering the two innocent people. I think he was very sneaky and pretended he learned his lesson, when in reality he had more consequences coming his way. I believe that Clifford's way of showing he was a normal and sane guy was by creating wonderful art pieces.
         I believe that Clifford Boggess is not a true Christian or true artist since he had done something so horrible that will follow him for the rest of his life. No matter how many times Clifford could go to church and apologize to God and take back his sins, he is still a cruel man who deserves to be killed. I believe that anyone who has some sort of religious belief were to murder someone, it clearly means they are psychologically disturbed and are not loyal to God.