Monday, December 13, 2010


1. I believe that the arguments presented by the national right to life movement provide better support on the abortion issue than the arguments presented by the pro choice supporters. First of all, the broad majority of abortions performed today in the U.S. about 93% are done for elective reasons. That is, most abortions in the U.S. are performed for social, not medical reasons. Therefore pro choice supporters do not have a valid reason for supporting abortions because they believe that if a woman "doesn't feel ready at the time" she should have an abortion. Statistically, the pro life supporters are winning the debate, because the number of U.S. abortions has been declining since 1990. The risks involved with the medical techniques such as RU 486, used to perform an abortion, have influenced me to support the pro life movement. In France, several women suffered heart attacks from the RU 486 technique.

2. As a 17 year old high school student, I support the pro-life movement. I feel that abortion is unethical and against my religious beliefs, since I believe in Catholicism. According to the medical facts presented in the article, a fetus's heartbeat begins at 22 days from conception. I believe that parents have the right to know if their daughter is having an abortion because the daughter might have medical issues that she is unaware of. For example, the girl might have a heart problem, and having an abortion might lead her to a life threatening situation. Therefore parents should have the right to consent to an abortion because they are responsible for their daughters health and well being.

3. I believe that the father of the unborn child should be notified of the women's decision to have an abortion if he was involved in a relationship with the woman prior to the pregnancy. I also believe that the father should have a right to consent to the abortion because he was emotionally involved with the woman prior to the pregnancy.

4. I agree with the Illinois law that restricts young women's access to abortion services by mandating parental notice. I feel that it is crucial for the young women's health and well being to obtain parental consent prior to an abortion procedure. The only thing that I would change regarding Illinois Law on Abortion is the requirement for a woman to have a spousal consent prior to an abortion. It is the women's choice to inform the husband if she decides to have an abortion procedure done.

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